Quote Of The Day- Maureen Dowd

From her column on the lackluster Republican Candidates:

In an interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos, Santorum offended the Catholics he’s courting by saying that the J.F.K. speech ratifying the separation of church and state made him want “to throw up” because Kennedy had thrown “his faith under the bus.”

“I don’t believe in an America where the separation of church and state are absolute,” Sanctorum said.

If he is willing to cross that line, the only two possibilities are that he doesn’t understand the nature of the United States or that he wants to do damage to the United States. Neither is acceptable.

One comment on “Quote Of The Day- Maureen Dowd

  1. Raybob says:

    “Sanctorum”? Please no! Surely this is merely a slip of your formerly-ecclesiastical fingers 🙂


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