Sodomites: Not Gay, Just Assholes

Many of you know the story- the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their wickedness (Genesis 19.24-25). The most titillating offense- and therefore, probably the most memorable one, was sexual promiscuity, including, but not exclusively, the homosexual type.

For centuries, the word sodomy was used to denote sinful sexual acts and came to specifically reference homosexuality- especially in the 19th century. However, many Christian and Jewish biblical scholars have said (often to deaf ears) that this is not the Great Sin of Sodom. The ears stayed deaf. Even the Prophet Ezekiel was not to be heeded when it came to the subject. He said the great sin of Sodom wasn’t the promiscuity, it was that the citizens were “arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.” (Ezekiel 16.49). In other words- they were narcissistic assholes.

Nikolas Kristoff has an excellent Op-Ed in the NYTimes today talking about the ways in which the understanding of the Sins of Sodom are changing- even (gasp) among evangelicals.

Worth a read.

Oh, and the next time you hear or read the words sodomy or sodomite, just think “asshole”….

Busy Week

I’ve had a lot of catching up from my vacation- clients, cleaning, writing (for Bilerico– check it out. Some of it forthcoming)- stuff just keeps happening. So, along with just checking in,  I thought I’d leave you with a thoughtfortheday:

I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks.
~Daniel Boone

Wander, people. It’s good for you….

HIV+ Man Infects Over 100 Women

My take on the story here at Bilerico.

Calgary Recovery

…I needed that. The vacay and the recovery time.

I’ll say one thing, Nicole and I didn’t let too many blades of grass grow under our feet. We had meals at Blink (where Nicole works), Petite, crepes at The Calgary Farmer’s Market, tapas at Jaroblue, lunch at Sky 360 in The Calgary Tower, oysters and Champagne at Raw Bar, drinks at Earl’s (not our first choice, but it was cold out), Local 510 (We were freezing. There was a line. I told a filthy joke to the doormen- they let us right in), and went dancing at The Mercury Lounge with Nicole’s friends Jonathan, Razor, Gas, Brent, Luke and TJ (we lost Brent and Luke somewhere).

All in the space of three days. Oh, and there was a house party in there somewhere- and shopping.

So much fun- so this is a mini recommendation- all of these places worked for us, check them out if you’re ever there….

At Raw Bar, Calgary, self-portrait

Who’s Your Princess?

All right, I caved.

I’m writing from the Calgary kitchen of Nicole Pomeroy, Princess Extraordinaire and Friend of my Heart.
She’s still sleeping.

I had to write, because we were up till well after 3 catching up and I feel so excellent this morning (okay, I have a headache, but how could I NOT have a couple of Tangueray and Tonics- I’m on vacation). I feel excellent, because I spent last night talking to someone who gets me- and vice-versa- in a way nobody else does. We laughed and cried and talked and smiled and just basked in each other’s presence. No way I’m letting another year and a half pass before we see each other again.

I’m writing, because Nicole is important on a number of levels, but I think the most significant for me is this: despite all the shit I’ve been through and put people through, she never wavered. She always believed in me- when other friends didn’t, even when I couldn’t or wouldn’t believe in my self.  She showed me that it was not only possible to do so- even in the midst of excruciating emotional and physical pain , it was vitally important. She was the rock I tied my lifeline to- and last night I was reminded why.

Because I would do exactly the same thing for her.
And we both know that.

Invading Canadia

Tomorrow, I’m off to Calgary to paint it red with the lovely Nicole. I’m REALLY going to try and not obsess about home, clients, writing or the internets, so maybe no posts until Tuesday. (I always end up caving for some reason) But I’ll put up some pics (maybe…).

Leaving you with a thoughtfortheday:

“There is the Music of Heaven in all things
and we have forgotten how to hear it
until we sing.”

~Hildegard of Bingen

Go, sing….


THE big fundraiser of the year for AIDS Outreach is a Mardi Gras Party Tuesday, February 16th with jazz, desserts and silent auction at The Nova Cafe, 312 E Main St, Bozeman. Delicious desserts donated by pastry artisans throughout Bozeman  will be well worth the suggested $3.00 admission donation. The swag includes original art (paintings, pottery, jewelry), merchandise donated by area businesses including Erotique, The Daily, 2 VIP Tickets to The Rail Jam, Spa Treatments, and many other items too numerous to mention….

I want to strongly encourage all my friends to come down, or, if you can’t attend, donate here.

We’re just starting out, and we could really use any help we can get in providing services for persons with HIV, community education, HIV testing and an HIV+ support group (which I facilitate).

Thanks in advance,


Who IS Demetrius Anderson? And Why Should I Give A Shit?

Ask yourself that question, then go to my article here….

I Dreamed A Dead Dream

I dreamed a dead dream.
They’re all dead, aren’t they?

Isn’t a dream a not-live thing
that seeks our attention,
that begs for our breath?
It needs these to spring,
as Athena did,
from the head of Zeus
(she arrived dressed for battle),
breathing, awake
and ready.
Or, even to come as Aphrodite,
floating gently on the foam of the sea.

My dead dream, devoid of color-
like the world in The Flood
became the gray and angry, hysterical sky.
Does it remember life
like a shade 
of the Underworld,
 unsure of itself ?
Or does it see the world,
perfect, and simply waits
with the pain,
waiting for whatever it needs
to make its own fascinating entrance?

Is my dead dream closer
every time it is dreamed-
closer, closer
no matter who dreams it?
Less lifeless, somehow
in being seen by me,
by you,
especially by you.
Do you remember that your
dream is dead-
that it needs you to live?

Or do you forget,
rubbing your sleepy eyes?

~D Gregory Smith

Much more to come

…on that Hate Crime posting I had on Bilerico last week. Been talking to the attorneys, and it’s pretty reprehensible.

I’m going through some of the court documents and have calls in to the Blue Island PD and the Blue Island Mayor’s office, as well as the defense attorneys. So far, none returned.

I’ll write the story with or without ’em.