Open Letter To Catholic Bishops by Hans Kung

In one of the most courageous, passionate and well-reasoned appeals in modern times, Hans Kung asks the Church to meet the challenges of its current reality with the better angels of its history- namely, with love, humility and collegiality.

Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, and I were the youngest theologians at the Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965. Now we are the oldest and the only ones still fully active. I have always understood my theological work as a service to the Roman Catholic Church. For this reason, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Benedict XVI, I am making this appeal to you in an open letter. In doing so, I am motivated by my profound concern for our church, which now finds itself in the worst credibility crisis since the Reformation. Please excuse the form of an open letter; unfortunately, I have no other way of reaching you.

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2 comments on “Open Letter To Catholic Bishops by Hans Kung

  1. Strong words from a respected theologian. . . respected by the rest of us.
    I see this situation as so very sad for the Church – not just the Roman Catholic Church, but the whole Church Catholic, of which I’ve always considered myself part (even though the Romans would not).
    It affects ALL of us who call ourselves Christians.


  2. Bobby says:

    At last, at last: we have a leader, one who calls for the breath of the Holy Spirit of the Creator to sweep over the lands again, one who calls the ordained leaders back to the Church once again. I don’t think the Bishops understand that while the current turmoil was triggered by the clergy’s sexual abuse of children and young people, it has been deepened and broadened by the clerics’ coverup, denial, and direct actions taken — including actions by JPII — against those same victims.

    And now it is too late to turn back. ALL bishops have been damaged — by their silence if nothing else. And we in the pews have been paying attention and now wonder about the wisdom of the entire teaching charism of the Church — one which the men in red silk have taken entirely upon themselves. We know that the abusing priests are stunted in their psycho-sexual development, still childlike themselves in their in their understanding of sexuality, gender, and holistic social development. How can it be then that their theology, their declarations on morality, on creation in the world itself be anything other than stunted as well? The “crisis” –I think it is now an “opportunity” instead — the opportunity now is to unite the Church — and we ARE the Church — around a fulfillment of the Vatican II documents and to breathe life into our Church once more. The Holy Spirit has already done her job by throwing back the curtain and revealing the feeble clerk who is lost in the world. Thank you, Hans Kung. [Care to join the Facebook page re Kung’s letter?


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